Frequently Asked Questions about Medals
Here are the answers to some of the most common questions I get asked. If you have any other questions, please use the contact form on this website and I shall do my best to answer your query.
How do they fix onto my jacket?
A large pin or brooch is used to secure the ribbons. This can be be pinned through your jacket or coat or alternatively the pin can be attached to a plastic medal holder and can be placed in a jacket top pocket.
Either method can be used whether your medals are swing mount or court mount. See images below for examples.

Our medals are very dull and dirty, will they clean up alright?
Full size medals clean up very well. With miniature medals, it the depends on the quality of the metal used to make the miniature but in general they do clean up OK.
Cleaning them comes as part of the refurbishment service.

What is the difference between swing style and court mount? Can both styles be worn?
With Swing style, the medals are hung from the bar and can clang and jangle together.
With Court Mount style, the medals have the ribbon running down the back of the medal as well and are stiff mounted on a board.
Both style use extactly the same pin and can be pinned to your jacket.
If you are only intending them to go into a frame, I court mount them without the pin so the are flat at the back.
The two images of Swing Mounted medals shows that the medals can swing about with movement and this can cause tiny marks on your medals.

The two images of Court Mounted medals show the medals are more securely attached which also helps to protect the medals from rubbing against each other.

What if I'm not local to you? Do you offer a postal service?
I do offer a mail service and request that medals are posted to me via Royal Mail Special Delivery and I will return it or them back to you via the same method.
In the first instance, please get in touch first and advise when you will need the medals back so I can confirm I can post them back to you in time for any occasions you may be planning for.
Please see my price list for the current cost of postal refurbishment..
It's preferable that medals aren't posted on a Friday as they will be sat in the postal system until they are delivered on a Monday.